What is a good amount of organic traffic?

 The amount of organic traffic that is considered "good" can vary greatly depending on the size and niche of a website, as well as its goals and target audience.

As a rough estimate, a website with a few hundred visitors per month could consider a good start, while a large e-commerce site might consider tens of thousands of visitors per day as good traffic.

Ultimately, what matters most is not the raw number of visitors, but how well those visitors align with your goals. If you have a high volume of organic traffic, but it doesn't lead to conversions, then it may not be considered good traffic. On the other hand, if you have a smaller volume of highly targeted traffic that consistently converts into customers, then that would likely be considered very good traffic.

        How can optimizing images improve SEO on a website?

Optimizing images can have a positive impact on a website's SEO in several ways:

  1. File size: Large image files can slow down the loading speed of a website, which can negatively affect its ranking in search results. Optimizing images by reducing their file size without sacrificing quality can improve page speed, which is a ranking factor in search algorithms.      
  2. File name and alt text: Search engines cannot see images, but they can read the file name and alt text. Using descriptive, keyword-rich file names and alt text for images can help search engines understand the context and relevance of the image, which can improve the chances of the image appearing in image search results.
  3. Image format: Different image formats have different uses and benefits, and choosing the right format can have a positive impact on page speed and SEO. For example, using lossless compression for PNG files can reduce file size, while using JPEGs can provide a balance of file size and image quality.
  4. Image Sitemap: Submitting an image sitemap to search engines can help them discover images on your website and improve their visibility in image search results.

Note Over-optimizing images by using irrelevant keywords in the file name or alt text can result in penalization by search engines. It's important to use descriptive, keyword-rich information in a natural and contextually relevant manner.
